Health Risks with Charcoal Drinks

Health Risks with Charcoal Drinks

Drinking fruit juices that contain added charcoal are the latest health fad, however experts are warning that they could prevent medication being absorbed properly, and therefore not working.
The charcoal drinks have become popular due to claims that they help rid your body of toxins. The charcoal has been ‘activated’, which means that steam has been forced through it after burning which makes it more efficient at absorbing toxins.

However, doctors are concerned that these juices can actually stop medications from working, due to sucking them out of the body before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream.
They have recommended against consuming medications either in the hour before or two hours after drinking juices containing charcoal. Experts have also stated that there is no evidence that these charcoal juices have any health benefits and that they could actually prevent our bodies from absorbing key nutrients.

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