Alleviate Anxiety

Alleviate Anxiety

Feeling stressed or anxious? Discover how to alleviate symptoms the natural way.

Everyone has to deal with feelings of stress or anxiety at some point, but it’s when these feelings are interfering with your daily life that you need to take action.

“A little anxiety occasionally is a perfectly natural and healthy response to concern or to various adrenal triggers when you are working to achieve something. It is normal for example to feel anxious over a job interview or when sitting an exam,” explains Joannah Metcalfe, consultant aromatherapist at Base Formula. “It becomes a problem, however, when you start to feel anxious regularly or consistently in a way that is disproportionate or excessive.

“If this is the case, anxiety can then start to impact on your daily life and give rise to many physical symptoms such as insomnia, migraines, muscular tension, loss of appetite, digestive problems and allergies. It can even be a pre-disposing factor in serious illnesses such as heart disease.”

It is true, chronic worry and emotional stress can trigger an array of health problems. “The knock-on effects are vast,” agrees Kay Tomlinson, owner of Absolute Aromas, “When we are stressed and anxious our immune system tends to be low, so we are more prone to catching illnesses and find it harder to get over them.”

“Anxiety can have far-reaching effects on our health and may lead to poor sleep, fatigue, exhaustion, lowered immunity, poor digestive function and inability to cope in social or work place situations,” comments Jenny Bodenham, nutritional therapist at Higher Nature.

Natural Remedies
If you are looking for relief, have no fear – there are plenty of natural remedies that can help calm nerves and ease anxiety:

Eat regular meals, rich in protein and healthy fats: “Erratic eating and skipping meals can cause blood sugar levels to crash, resulting in low energy, anxiety and irritability.  Regular meals should be taken, with snacks in between if necessary, to keep blood sugar levels stable. Meals should contain protein and healthy fat – similarly snacks might include dried or fresh fruit with nuts and seeds, or a couple of oatcakes or rye crackers with a spread of nut butter or humus,” advises Bodenham.

Focus on B vitamins: “They support the nervous system, helping to cope with anxiety. B vitamins are also needed for energy production and are quickly depleted under stress.  These can be combined with a mix of botanicals such as melissa officinalis and passion flower, with theanine and taurine to help maintain an inner sense of calm and relaxed outlook,” advises Bodenham.

Increase magnesium: “The mineral magnesium is involved in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate many biochemical reactions in the body, including muscle and nerve function and is often referred to as ‘nature’s relaxant’. Taking a magnesium supplement about half an hour before bed may promote relaxation,” comments Bodenham.

Try aromatherapy: “Aromatherapy can be extremely effective in relieving anxiety and other emotional problems,” explains Metcalfe. “Powerful sedative essential oils are particularly useful and include: benzoin, bergamot, chamomile, cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, neroli, patchouli, rose, sandalwood and ylang ylang.

“Try an aromatic bath to ease tension, promote a peaceful night’s sleep and help you feel calmer and less agitated. Blend five drops of lavender, two drops of neroli and two drops of frankincense with a cup of full fat milk and add to your bath water.

“Enjoy a therapeutic massage to ease physical tension. Blend 30ml of carrier oil (e.g. sweet almond or grapeseed oil) with 10 drops of lavender, three drops frankincense and two drops neroli.

“Fill your home with calming fragrance. Mix 20 drops of lavender, eight drops frankincense and four drops neroli and add a few drops of the blended oils to a candle burner or aromatherapy diffuser.”

Drink green tea: “A relaxing cup of green tea which contains the amino acid L-theanine, has been found to induce alpha-brain wave activity which is associated with a state of relaxation without drowsiness,” said Bodenham.

Take a bath at night: “A long soak in a warm relaxing bath can help relieve tired, aching muscles and soothe away the stresses of the day. Adding mineral salts to the water can promote deep relaxation,” explains Bodenham.

Exercise more: “Exercise is another great all natural way to help fight Anxiety, in addition to greater physical fitness, exercise has a positive effect on the brain, it helps to relieve tension, gives a natural energy boost, and a sense of achievement, which can help to boost your mood and outlook. It is also great if Anxiety causes you difficulty in sleeping, as exercise can actually help to improve your sleep, and a good night’s sleep is key to feeling more positive and ready for the day ahead,” said Tomlinson.

Adopt de-stressing techniques: De-stressing techniques, such as breathing exercises and relaxation techniques such as yoga, t’ai chi and meditation, can be helpful. “Simply sitting and meditating or taking some relaxing deep breaths can restore calm and balance,” adds Bodenham.

Higher Nature – True Food B Complex/True Food Magnesium
Higher Nature – Worry Not
Base Formula – Relaxing/Sweet Dreams Pure Essential Oil Blend
Absolute Aroma – Relaxation Aroma-Roll/Aroma-Inhaler

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